1. In regard to all matters concerning service conditions of employees of the CSIR, the Fundamental and supplementary Rules framed by the Govt. of India and such other rules and orders issued by the Govt. of India from time to time shall apply to the extent applicable to the employees of theCSIR. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Bye-law, the Governing Body of CSIR shall have the power to relax the requirement of any rule to such extent and subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary.
2. Director of the Institute shall be assisted by a Controller of Administration, Controller of Finance and Accounts/ Finance and Accounts Officer and Controller of Stores & Purchase/ Stores & Purchase Officers who shall advice the Director on all administrative and financial matters and be responsible for providing support services to all the Scientific staff and bench level Scientists. Directors shall have the power to over-rule the advice of aforesaid functionaries after recording reasons thereof. A report of such cases shall be sent to Director-General.
3. Director of the Institute would operate under director control of Director General without and intermediate line functionary. The Laboratories would be freed from routine administrative and financial control of the CSIR Hqrs.