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X-Ray Crystallography

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute has a state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction/scattering facility including access to high-energy synchrotron radiation sources and scientific expertise in solid state characterization.

The facility provides

Structure elucidation of newly synthesized compounds/natural products

Absolute structure determination of chiral compounds

Bulk phase characterization of crystalline and amorphous organic materials

Determination of crystallite size, % crystallinity, and phase/chemical purity of crystalline materials.

Characterization of structural conformational changes upon complexation (protein-protein/protein-ligand/protein-NAs) using single crystal/small angle X-ray scattering methods

Single crystal X-ray diffraction
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Model : Rigaku Satrun724+

Manufacturer: Rigaku

Radiation source: Cu and Mo (Micromax003)

Detector Type: CCD

(i) Structure determination by single crystal X-ray diffraction can provide pivotal information on molecular packing, intermolecular interactions, and absolute configuration of enantiopure compounds.

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Model : D8 venture

Manufacturer: Bruker

Radiation source: Cu (Iμs 2.0)

Detector Type: PHOTON II

(ii) Bruker D8 Venture X-ray diffractometer with Cu X-ray source, a highly accurate goniometer, and a PHOTON II CMOS detector are used for both macro- and small-molecule crystallography. This is equipped with an Oxford cryosystem (Cryostream 800) to collect data at very low temperatures.

Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)
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Model : SAXSpace

Manufacturer: Anton Paar

Radiation Source: Cu (sealed tube, LLF)

Detector Type: DECTRIS MYTHEN2

In structural biology, SAXS is used to provide shape analysis of proteins in solution, DNA and RNA assemblies. SAXS is used for dynamic protein stability studies. This technique is used to gain information on protein interactions and study conformational and structural changes in macromolecular complexes.

Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD)
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Instrument Details

Model Name: X’pert3

Manufacturer: Malvern Panalytical

Radiation Source: Cu (Empyrean: LLF)

Detector: PiXcel 1D

PXRD is a very useful technique for quantitative and qualitative analysis of fine powder- routinely used for the bulk phase purity analysis of crystalline materials.


Dr. Kaushik Bhattacharjee

Coordinator, Biological Screening

