Common Research and Technology Development Hub
CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute
Supported by:Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India, and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
We assist MSMEs and Startups in the Pharmaceuticals Sector, supporting from formulation to analytical/bioanalytical method development and validation.
Funded jointly by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India, and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
Develop conventional and novel formulations of API.
Pilot/R&D to Phase II Clinical Trial Batches (including placebos) under Form 29 License or Form CT-11 Permission. Across the board: from conventional oral and topical formulations to transdermal systems, pulmonary drug delivery, liposomes, nanoparticles.
Design, development and manufacture of new formulations.
Optimize, validate and scale-up Processes.
Develop and validate In-Process Quality Check (IPQC) protocols.
Perform analytical tests for release into market.
Development of standard testing procedure, batch release specification and in-process quality control SOP. All pharmacopoeial tests, excipient compatibility, stability, photostability, CQA, CPP, STP, BRS, MSDS development.
Conduct preclinical & clinical pharmacokinetics, BA/BE.
IND enabling studies; in-vitro and pre-clinical PK in rodent and non-rodent species. compartment/non-compartment PK modeling and simulation. Preclinical bioavailability and bioequivalence studies.
Mean serum concentration versus time profiles of isoniazid in monkeys administered a single i.v. injection (top), a single inhalation of MP containing 0.25, 2.5 and 25 mg of each drug, (middle) and at presumed steady state (bottom). Scatter points corresponding to line colour represent group means (n=4) and error bars show standard deviation (SD). Values from individual animals are also plotted as additional scatter points.
Simulation of pharmacokinetics/ toxicokinetics following daily dosing with CDRI Compound S011-1793, computed from observations at 45 mg/kg.
Supported with well qualified personnel and sate-of-the-art equipments.
CRTDH experts assist in filing with various regulatory authorities including CDSCO (drugs and phytopharmaceuticals), US FDA, EMA, ANVISA, and Rosdravnazor. It is also open for providing help in the preparation of CMC dossier of drug substances and drug products. Interested organizations can send their employee(s) to acquire necessary skills related to obtaining regulatory approval.
Skilled professionals with extensive experience in pharmaceutical development
Dr. Amit Mishra
Principal Investigator
Dr. Prabhat R Mishra
Co-Principal Investigator
Dr. Manish K Chourasia
Dr. Rabi S Bhatta
Dr. Jiaur R Gayen
AS Kushwaha
: as.kushwaha[AT]
: 91-522-277-2460