CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow
Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen./F&A/S&P) and Junior Stenographer (Hindi/Eng)
Recruitment Advt. No. CSIR-CDRI/02/2025


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Post Code Post Name No. of Post(s) Pay level & Total Emoluments Essential Qualification Age Limit Action
Post Code-A Jr. Secretariat Assistant (Gen./F&A/S&P)
Gen.: 4 (1 OBC & 2 UR & 1 SC)
F&A: 2 (1 OBC & 1 UR)
S&P: 1 (1 UR)
Pay Matrix : Group C (Non-Gazetted) Pay Level-2, Cell-1 (Pay Scale Rs. 19900-63200/-) Total Rs. 36,500/- (Approx.) 10 + 2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer type speed @35 w.p.m. in English or @30 w.p.m. in Hindi and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by the DoPT from time to time. Age Limit : 28
Post Code-B Jr. Stenographer (Hindi/English)
(1 OBC & 2 UR & 1 SC)
Pay Matrix : Group C (Non-Gazetted) Pay Level-4, Cell-1 (Pay Scale Rs. 25500-81100/-) Total Rs. 49,623/- (Approx.) 10 + 2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in Stenography as per the prescribed norms fixed by the DoPT from time to time, in Shortahand, either in English or in Hindi. Age Limit : 27